Fourth International CONOPP workshop
17-18 May 2018
The fourth and last International CONOPP workshop will take place in Amsterdam, at the Trippenhuis. All CONOPP members will present their work and several special guests are invited to participate at the workshop (Juho Harkonen, Mathias Studer, Tim Liao, Annette Fasang & Melinda Mills).

CONOPP at the PAA 2018 in Denver
26-28 April, 2018
Several CONOPP members will present their work at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) in Denver.
CONOPP work at the PAA:
- Joanne Muller will present the paper “Intergenerational Inheritance of Parent’s Division of Labor”
- Judith Koops present the poster “Nonmarital Fertility and Postponement of Childbearing in the UK:
The Attachment of Immigrants and Descendants to Traditional Family Formation Pathways"
- Mioara Zoutewelle & Joanne Muller will present the poster "Family Constellations and Later-Life Health in a Cross-National Perspective"
- Anne Brons will present the poster “Parental Separation and Leaving Home: Comparison of 16 European

Poster award at the Dutch Demography Day 2017
22 November, 2017
Paul Sellies from the University of Groningen conducted his internship at the NIDI under the supervision of Prof. dr. Aart C. Liefbroer. At the Dutch Demography Day conference Paul received the NVD Poster award 2017 for his poster entitled "Exploring cohort and country variation in the link between social background and marital attitudes: a study using ESS data".

CONOPP at the Dutch Demography Day 2017
22 November, 2017
This year the Dutch Demography Day had its 10th anniversary. During this conference, several CONOPP members presented their research (Anne Brons, Sapphire Yu Han, Jarl Mooyaart, Mioara Zoutewelle-Terovan).
CONOPP at the SLLS conference
11-13 October, 2017
The SLLS conference is one of the most prestigious conferences on longitudinal and life course research. The program covers a variety of themes among which international comparisons, household and income dynamics, social-biological interactions, intergenerational transfers, mixed and comparative methods, cohort and panel studies, record linkage, developmental processes and functioning within and across life course stages etc. Prof. dr. Cees Elzinga, Prof. dr. Aart Liefbroer, Dr. Mioara Zoutewelle-Terovan and PhD student Sapphire Yu Han participated in this conference. The Conopp research has been presented in sessions such as “Advances in Sequence Analysis and Related Methods for the Holistic Analysis of Trajectories” (two presentations: “Latent Class and Sequence Analysis: A Heuristic Bridge” and “Mechanisms of the Transition to Adulthood in Cross-National Comparison: An Application of Hidden Markov Models”) or “Intergenerational Effects” (“Studying the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality in a Cross-National Perspective”). We are looking forward to the 2018 SLLS conference in Milan!

Joanne Muller receives Fullbright Grant
June, 2017
Joanne Muller has been awarded a Fulbright Grant to do research in the United States this coming Fall semester. Joanne will work at the Cornell Population Center on a project called “Intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic status: The role of gender role attitudes and the family trajectory.”
Congratulations Joanne!

CONOPP team wins poster award at PAA in Chicago
27-29 April, 2017
Several CONOPP members presented their work at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) in Chicago. Joanne Muller, Nicole Hiekel and Aart Liefbroer won a poster award for their poster entitled “Growing up in a non-standard family, and later-life economic independence: partial mediation by mid-life family trajectories?”
Other CONOPP work presented at the PAA:
- Jarl Mooyaart presented the paper “Understanding Trends in the Transition to Adulthood: An Application of Competing Trajectories Analysis”and the poster “Becoming Overweight and Obese in Early Adulthood: The Role of Career and Family Trajectories”
- Judith Koops presented the poster “Changes in Union Status Before the Birth of the First Child: A Cross-National Study on the Influence of Parental SES”
- Aart Liefbroer presented the poster “Adolescents’ Expectations About the Timing of Family Life Events: Unraveling the Role of Value Transmission and Modeling”
Families in Context meets Context of Opportunity
April 7, 2017
On April 7, 2017, the CONOPP group meets the Families in Context research group in Rotterdam. Both research groups presented their research in a one-day workshop. Theoretical and methodological discussions were very constructive, and cross-national comparative research aspects were central.

King Willem-Alexander meets CONOPP
April 6, 2017
April 5th King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands visited the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). Aart Liefbroer and Joanne Muller had the honor to inform on the research activities of the CONOPP team. They talked about ‘new’ sources of inequality between families, such as parental divorce and maternal employment. NIDI-colleagues presented other topics studied by NIDI, such as healthy ageing, migration and the transition to retirement.
RC28 Spring Meeting
March 30 - April 1, 2017
Joanne Muller and Nicole Hiekel presented CONOPP work at the RC28 Spring Meeting 2017 in Cologne. Joanne presented the paper “Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status: Mediated by the Family Trajectory?” in a session about stratification and status mobility. Nicole presented a poster called “The Social Stratification of Choice in the Transition to Adulthood” which was awarded with the Best Poster Award!

3rd International CONOPP workshop at NIDI, The Hague
February 23 & 24 , 2017
On the 23rd and 24th of February 2017, the third International CONOPP workshop took place at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute in The Hague. During these two days, we discussed the core topics and future plans of the CONOPP project together with our external partners Francesco Billari (Bocconi University), Anne Gauthier (NIDI), Harry Ganzeboom and Cees Elzinga (VU University Amsterdam) and Nicole Hiekel (University of Cologne). It was a successful and informative meeting!

CONOPP at the Dutch Demography Day in Utrecht, the Netherlands
November 23, 2015
All CONOPP members will present their work at the Dutch Demography Day 2016 in Utrecht.
- Anne Brons will present a joint paper with Aat Liefbroer and Harry Ganzeboom"The impact of parental socio-economic status on the timing of first marriage: Still an impact after unmarried cohabitation? Results from a cross-national comparison" in the session "Union formation & Dissolution".
- Judith Koops will present a joint paper with Aat Liefbroer and Anne Gauthier called "Changes in union status around the birth of the first child: A cross-national study on the influence of parental SES" in the session "Fertility & Parenthood".
- Sapphire Yu Han will present a joint paper with Aart C. Liefbroer and Cees Elzinga called "Mechanisms of the transitions to adulthood: An application of Hidden Markov Models" in the session "Modeling Demography".
- Jarl Mooyaart will present a joint paper with Aart C. Liefbroer and Francesco Billari called "Becoming overweight and obese in early adulthood: The role of career and family trajectories" in the session "Health Differentials".
- Joanne Muller will present a joint paper with Aart C. Liefbroer and Nicole Hiekel called "Transmission of socioeconomic status over generations: Mediated by the family trajectory?" in the session "Life course & Transition".
- Mioara Zoutewelle will present a joint paper with Aart C. Liefbroer called "Swimming against the stream. Non-normative family transitions and loneliness in later life across 12 nations" in the session "Life course & Transition"

Anne Brons presents at Divorce Conference 2016
13-15 October, 2016
This week Anne Brons will present a paper at the 14th European Network Meeting for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce 2016 in Stockholm. The paper is called: 'Parental background and union dissolution from a cross-national comparative perspective' and is joint work with Juho Härkönen from Stockholm University. She will present it in Session 3: Socio-economic status as a determinant and consequence of divorce.

Joanne Muller joins Mediation Analysis workshop in Rostock
September, 2016
This week Joanne Muller attends the IDEM 180 - IUSSP International Seminar on Causal Mediation Analysis in Health and Work at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock. She will join a 3-day course on causal mediation analysis taught by Professor Tyler J. VanderWeele and contribute to a one-day workshop with presentations on life-course, health and work. Joanne will present the paper “Transmission of socioeconomic status over generations: mediated by the family trajectory?” (joint work with Nicole Hiekel and Aart C. Liefbroer).
The largest European conference for population was hosted by the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. About 1500 authors and co-authors from Europe and overseas have been registered in the program with posters and presentations. Anne Brons, Sapphire Yu Han, Judith Koops, Jarl Mooyaart, Joanne Muller, and Mioara Zoutewelle-Terovan presented their research in sessions such as: Divorce and union dissolution, Modeling unions and other transitions to adulthood, Fertility and social change, Transition to adulthood, Life-course and female employment, Mental well-being of other adults (see their papers in the Presentations tab). The meeting was very fruitful! The CONOPP group had the opportunity to disseminate research results to an international audience and they discussed theoretical models and research practices with similarly involved scholars. During the conference, the CONOPP team also hosted a Meet&Greet encounter at the permanent NIDI stand.

CONOPP at the European Population Conference 2016 in Mainz
31 August - 3 September, 2016

CONOPP research featured by Child & Family Blog
April, 2016
An article featuring research by Jarl Mooyaart and Aart C. Liefbroer on the influence of parental education on union formation over time in the Netherlands has appeared on the Child & Family Blog. The article can be found here.

UPF-NIDI Workshop in Barcelona
March 10 & 11, 2016
On March 10 and 11 March 2016, the CONOPP group went to the research team of Gosta Esping-Andersen at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. In a joint two-day workshop researchers of both ERC groups have shared their results. Together with two invited discussants, Tomas Sobotka and Fabrizio Bernardi, we had good discussions and we have learned a lot from each others work.

Research Joanne Muller in GGP at a Glance
March, 2016
GGP at a Glance is a monthly series of the Generations & Gender Programme. The GGP is a survey about topics such as fertility, partnerships and economic activity in 19 Western countries. More information about the GGP can be found on their website: Joanne uses the GGP data to research the life courses of women in Europe. You can find her research here.

2nd International CONOPP workshop at NIDI, The Hague
February 18 & 19 , 2016
On the 18th and 19th of February 2016, the second International CONOPP workshop took place at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute in The Hague. During these two days, we discussed the core topics and future plans of the CONOPP project together with our external partners Francesco Billari (Nuffield College, University of Oxford), Anne Gauthier (NIDI), Harry Ganzeboom and Cees Elzinga (VU University Amsterdam) and Nicole Hiekel (University of Cologne). It was a successful and informative meeting!

New Post-doc at CONOPP
November, 2015
We welcome Mioara Zoutewelle-Terovan as a post-doc researcher in the CONOPP team! In 2015 she received her PhD from the VU University Amsterdam for the dissertation entitled “Disentangling the relationship between family life events and criminal offending for high-risk men and women” and she worked as a researcher at the VU University (Faculty of Law).
She is interested in life-course analysis and within the CONNOP project she will study correlates and determinants of later-life outcomes. Using a cross-national comparative perspective, she will focus on understanding how childhood social disadvantage and young adulthood demographic behavior relate to adverse experiences at older ages.

CONOPP at the Dutch Demography Day in Utrecht, the Netherlands
November 25, 2015
Some of the CONOPP members will present their work at the Dutch Demography Day 2015 in Utrecht.
- Judith Koops will present a joint paper with Aat Liefbroer and Anne Gauthier called "why marrying first? Explaining cross-national differences in the influence of paretnal education on nonmarital births" in the session "Fertility".
- Sapphire Yu Han will present a joint paper with Aart C. Liefbroer and Cees Elzinga called "Classifying family-trajectories of young adults: A comparison of sequence analysis and latent class analysis" in the session "Methods & Models".
- Joanne Muller will present a joint paper with Aart C. Liefbroer and Nicole Hiekel called "The effect of women's family trajectory on their later-life personal income in comparative perspective" in the session "Generations & Ageing".
- Anne Brons will present a joint paper with Aat Liefbroer and Harry Ganzeboom"Cross-national variation in the influence of parental socio-economic status on union formation decisions: What’s the SDT got to do with it?" in the session "Life course".

Participating in Summer Schools
August 24 - 28 & August 31 - September 4, 2015
Joanne Muller and Anne Brons will both participate in a summer school this summer.
Anne Brons will attend a course called 'Multilevel Structural Equation Modelling' at the Swiss Summer School: Social Science Methods in Lugano.
Joanne Muller will participate in the Summer School on Longitudinal and Life Course Research at The Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) at the University of Bamberg. Topics covered are multilevel-, event history- and sequence analysis. Aat Liefbroer will teach one of the classes in Bamberg.

UPF-NIDI workshop
June 29-30, 2015
On June 29-30, CONOPP welcomed the research team of Gøsta Esping-Andersen. Esping-Andersen directs a ERC financed project on Family Polarization and Demographic Change at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). In a joint two-day workshop researchers of both CONOPP and Family Polarization have shared their results and research plans. The cross-fertilization between these two ERC-funded projects was a great succes! We learned a lot from each others projects and we look forward to seeing each other again!

Workshop on Sequence Analysis using TraMineR was a great succes!
April 15-16, 2015
On April 15-16, CONOPP hosted a workshop on Sequence Analysis using TraMineR at the premises of NIDI. Dr. Matthias Studer (University of Geneva/ VU University Amsterdam) gave a hands- on introduction in the opportunities that the software package TraMineR offers for life course researchers. TraMineR was developed by Studer and colleagues as a R-package that features the mining and visualizing sequences of categorical data. The workshop consisted of lectures on sequence analysis using TraMineR, but there were also computer sessions with several interesting exercises. The two-day workshop was a great succes and we want to thank Matthias Studer and the participants for their contributions!

Two CONOPP papers & poster at the Population Association of America 2015
30 april - May 2, 2015
Two papers and one poster, authored or co-authored by CONOPP group members, will be presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) at the Hilton San Diego Bay Front, San Diego, CA
Details on presentations and poster:
Session 48: Families and Households in Comparative and Historical Perspective
Paper: The Social Stratification of Choice in the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparative Perspective • Francesco C. Billari, University of Oxford; Nicole Hiekel, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI); Aart C. Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).
Time: Thursday, April 30, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM, Sapphire Ballroom H, Level 4
Session 129: Cohabitation and Marriage
Paper: The Influence of Parental Education on Timing and Type of Union Formation: Changes over the Life Course and Historical Time in the Netherlands • Jarl Mooyaart, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI); Aart C. Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
Time: Friday, May 1, 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM, Sapphire Ballroom L, Level 4
Poster Session 1: Marriage, Unions, Families, and Households
Paper: Social Diversity in Non-Marital Childbearing in Various Gender Contexts • Trude Lappegård, Statistics Norway; Nicole Hiekel, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
Time: Thursday, April 30, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H, Level 2

New PhD student at CONOPP
March 16, 2015
We welcome Joanne Muller as a PhD student in the CONOPP team! She finished the master Social Policy Research at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2013 and after that she did a traineeship at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Within the CONOPP project she will focus on the link between childhood disadvantage and demographic decisions during young adulthood on the one hand, and later life outcomes after young adulthood on the other hand.

CONOPP at the Dutch Demography Day in Utrecht, the Netherlands
December 10, 2014
At the Dutch Demography Day in Utrecht, Nicole Hiekel will present a joint paper with Francesco Billari and Aat Liefbroer "The Social Stratification of Choice in the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparative Perspective" in the session "Transition to adulthood".
Judith Koops will present a joint paper with Aat Liefbroer and Anne Gauthier called "The influence of parental SES on cohabiting and single parenthood across Europe" in the session "Fertility".
Moreover, Anne Brons will present a joint paper with Aat Liefbroer and Harry Ganzeboom"The influence of parental socio-economic status on the timing of first union across European countries" in the session "Life course".

1st International CONOPP workshop at NIDI, The Hague
December 8, 2014
Today, the first International Conopp workshop took place at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute in The Hague. We thank our external partners Francesco Billari (Nuffield College, University of Oxford), Anne Gauthier (NIDI), Harry Ganzeboom and Cees Elzinga (VU University Amsterdam) for their feedback and contributions to fruitful discussions about the core topics of the CONOPP project and their enthusiasm regarding our joint plans for the months ahead.

Presentations Chaire Quetelet 2014
November 5 - 7, 2014
Judith Koops and Anne Brons presented their first papers at the 40th Chaire Quetelet Conference 2014 in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The paper of Judith was called "The influence of parental SES on cohabiting and single parenthood across Europe" and Anne presented her paper called "The influence of parental socio-economic status on the timing of first union across European countries".

New PhD student at CONOPP
November 1, 2014
We welcome Sapphire Yu Han as a PhD student in the CONOPP team! She graduated as a Biomedical Engineer from University of Twente in 2013 and worked as a biostatistician in industry. Within the CONOPP project she will investigate models which are suitable for the analysis of young adults’ family-life trajectories and how these trajectories are influenced by experiences of childhood disadvantages.

Oslo Summer School: Comparative Welfare States
July 28 - August 1, 2014
Judith Koops and Anne Brons participated at the Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies at the University of Oslo, Norway. They followed a course called 'Comparative Welfare States' given by mr. J. Bowman. During this week, they became acquainted with the different welfare states in advanced industrial democracies and learned more about the differences between countries concerning various social policies.

Summer School: Longitudinal and Life Course Research
August 25 - 29, 2014
In August, Judith Koops attended the summerschool on Longitudinal and Life Course Research organized by the VU University Amsterdam. The summerschool focused on the main theories and methods in this field of research.